About – Paul Fallon – Portfolio

About Me

My name is Paul Fallon,

I am a senior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington. Raised in Seattle, WA, my environment has been a constant source of inspiration, driving my passion for turning innovative ideas into tangible realities. I love to design, build, and see how my work can benefit others. At my core, I have a passion for human-centered and sustainable products. Alongside my passions in engineering & design, I love sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and enjoying the company & ideas of others.

 My journey in engineering and design is marked by a blend of technical skills and creative flair. While unable to simultaneously attain a degree in Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering, I have embraced my role as a creative-thinking engineer that can offer new insights to any project. I pride myself on my integrity, approachability, and respect that, along with a vast depth of personal motivation, has fueled my experience in roles as a leader and catalyst for ideas, strategy, and quality execution. Between my growing experience in engineering & mechanical design, my background in sports and carpentry, and my passions for upcycled fashion & design, I have built and will continue to expand upon a broad skillset and appetite for creation. I strive to work towards a career that draws intuition from my many passions and lies at the crossroads of inspirational design and bringing functional and innovative products to life that enhance the experience of others.

Cornerstones of My Process

  • Problem-solving in creation is user-centered and is rooted in function, feasibility, and emotion. A product must be accessible and work efficiently for its use case while eliciting a desired feeling, as simple as it may be. 
  • Perseverance conquers obstacles through asking questions and spending time with problems until the solution or alternative reveals itself. Simply, I trust the process.
  • The natural world is the freshest and most extraordinary inspirational source for design and creative thought.

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